General Guidelines

To view our samplers of poetry and prose, click here.

The Aesthetic 

  • We are open to many literary themes and poetic forms & styles. Our Samplers above are prime examples of our books. We enjoy the succinct, the startling, and the sublime. Some humor will keep us turning pages. Nature has been prevalent in the last few years. We root for intimate characters & their relationships with whomever or whatever. 
  • Genres we’re not actively marketing are straightforward genre fiction, like erotica, romance, fantasy, sci-fi, or experimental in form. We are not a publisher for plays, screenwriting, academic studies, children’s books, and art books. If you are unsure, please query before submitting.
  • A 3rd-person bio containing geographical and publication info is appreciated in the cover letter. We prefer shorter bios for typesetting books.
  • There may be periods when we request a specific theme, genre, or manuscript. Please double-check individual guidelines.

The Pragmatic

  • All manuscripts must be original and unpublished. Previously published pieces within are fine with acknowledgment. 
  • Reprints of previously published books are not accepted. Additionally, manuscripts that have been extraneously typeset or have mock cover spreads will be rejected.
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted. If a partial withdrawal is required, please message us. If it is a full withdrawal, please use the 'Withdraw' function in Submittable.
  • Regarding page layout, we request that the first page include the manuscript title, your name, and word + page count .

The Ethic

  • We will not accept any graphic violence, racism, bigotry, or actions/symbols targeted toward peoples' race, religion, sexual orientation, or personal identities unless you empathize with such. 
  • We highly encourage writers from historically marginalized demographics and debutants to submit. 
  • We reserve the right to reject singular pieces or entire manuscripts at any time. 
  • If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, we implore you to call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It is toll-free and avaialble 24/7. 988 or 1-800-273-8255

Afterimages, the Thirty West Substack, is reading essays, memoirs, serialized fiction, and book reviews. We're open to many interpretations of these categories, so send us something unique and timely. Unfortunately, there isn’t monetary compensation at this time. All accepted articles will obtain a light editorial from the TW staff, remain on Afterimages in perpetuity, and reach 1,000+ subscribers via email on the chosen publication day. We ask that TW obtains first publication rights and be acknowledged if submitted elsewhere. 

What we're looking for:

  • Essays, personal and craft.
  • Memoirs and vignettes. 
  • Book/chapbook reviews and author interviews.
  • Flash fiction & traditional short stories.
  • Serialized fiction or nonfiction (please provide sample & proposal.)
  • Semi-regular columns (please provide sample & proposal.)


Document details:

  • Default formatting (unless the piece requires something different) in .doc, .docx, or .pdf format.
  • Try to keep everything under 3,000 words.

 As always, please consult our General Guidelines before submitting. We're looking forward to reading!

Thirty West Publishing House